
The Clontarf Foundation is committed to an ongoing relationship with our students; we stay in these boys’ lives and ensure the support, mentoring and advocacy is continuous. To do this we need ongoing relationships and support from our partners and advocates.

Why partner with the Clontarf Foundation

Clontarf partners with corporate, philanthropic and local organisations who share the Foundation’s goal of improving the education, employment and wellbeing outcomes of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.

Partnering with the Clontarf Foundation:

  • Knowledge that your organisation and employees are supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and benefitting young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to participate more meaningfully in society across Australia;
  • Tangible delivery of achievements in education and employment for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men;
  • Access to work-ready Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men who have completed Year 12 and are searching for sustainable and fulfilling employment;
  • Access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are keen to engage in school-based traineeships and/or work experience while they study;
  • Opportunities to immerse your staff in a wide range of social and/or employment based engagement activities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
  • Acknowledgement as a supporter of our Foundation – a nationally-recognised leader in engaging and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to complete their education and gain secure employment.

Partnerships are managed from our Perth, Darwin, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide offices and involve strong links between locally appointed ‘Clontarf champions’ from partner organisations and Clontarf staff. An important component of our partnerships is the development of strong relationships between students, academy staff and the partners and communities who support the programme.

Please contact our General Manager – Partnerships & Communications, James McNamee on (08) 9356 2500 or via email [email protected] to find out how your organisation can partner with the Foundation and become part of the Clontarf story.

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