The Trinity Bay Clontarf Academy is thrilled to announce its partnership with the Indigenous Driver Licensing Unit (IDLU), a collaboration aimed at providing substantial support to senior academy members striving to attain their learner’s permits.
A significant focus within the academy is to ensure that every member graduates Year 12 with a learner’s permit, recognising the pivotal role it plays in shaping their future employment prospects.
In 2023, the academy takes great pride in celebrating the achievements of 17 students who have obtained their learner’s permits during Terms 2 and 3, courtesy of the IDLU programme. IDLU assumes a vital role in nurturing responsible road users, instiling road rules knowledge and promoting safe driving habits among the young men.
These accomplished students are now embarking on an exciting journey to accumulate 100 hours of driving experience. Their progress is bolstered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads Community Road Safety Education Grant, which enables academy members to access local driving schools.
In a recent instructional session conducted in collaboration with IDLU, one of their instructors expressed sentiments that perfectly resonate with the academy’s core values. The instructor remarked, “I’ve been a part of this programme for three years and I must say, you guys are the most remarkable group I’ve ever had the privilege to teach. Right from the beginning, you displayed respect through greetings, handshakes, and exemplary behaviour. The thank you speech on behalf of the Clontarf Academy? Truly impressive!”
The Trinity Bay Academy boys extend a heartfelt “Mina Big Esso” (meaning “Big Thank You”) to all those who have contributed to the success of this programme. Your unwavering support in helping them reach these milestones is deeply appreciated.